Welcome to VAOffRoad!

Ride Virginia's beautiful trails, meet up with other fellow off-roaders and keep our trails clean.

501(c)(3) Virginia Off-Road

Preserving our trails!

Become a member and help us keep the Virginia 4×4 trails clean.

Trail Maps and more

We are working to develop detailed trail maps with images, video clips and much more than you find on national websites.

Local and Regional Meetups

At VAOffRoad, we are also working to have regional Off-Road Meetups, dinners and events for our members.

4×4 Off Roading Education

From keeping the trails clean to proper off road etiquette, we also provide you with off road gear worth getting.

Our Mission

Promoting Virginia’s Off Roading Trails

At VAOffRoad, we are dedicated to protecting our forests and promoting fun for fellow off roaders of all levels.

Join Our Organization!

Join our organization and help a great cause in the process!

Trail Management

We conduct off roading adventures with trail clean-up’s all throughout Virginia’s Off Roading Trails. Come ride along with us!


With better maps, images, videos and off roading guidance, we help educate from the first timer to the life longer off roader.

Group Runs for All

We are also working on developing regional group Runs for everyone with a 4 wheel drive system.

Member Benefits

As a member, you will get access to the clubs newsletters, discounts on merch, a VAOffRoad badge for your rig, stickers, access to Meetups, dinner events and much more.

Off Roaders of All Types

We welcome all types of off-roaders, from novice to experienced, we want everyone to have a great trail experience!

You must have a 4 wheel drive vehicle (no AWD allowed) and at least 8 inches of ground clearance for most basic adventures.

Trail Maps

We are working on growing our list of trail Maps for everyone to use. Along with each trail, we are working on ways to provide useful information that national websites and apps don’t have.

Plot a Route Maps

We are working with Plot a Route Maps to provide a starting point and ending point of the trails so you can visually see it.

Real Images and Videos

We want real off roaders to post images and video clips with us, even if you are not a member, let us know about your awesome off road media.

Asking Real Off Roaders

Plus we want to provide real off roaders with insider knowledge of the trails in our state. The more you know about the quirks of the trails, the better!

Community Initiatives

Plus we want to offer you a real community where you can meet other locals when you want to ride.

Business Partnerships

We also want to partner with off roading businesses in the Commonwealth to promote their services and educate people in the process.

Educational Resources

Learn more about our trails and how you can support them through our educational resources, including workshops and online courses.

Join our Mission

Help us protect our trails in Virginia and make a positive impact on our planet. Join our team today!